A simple game made using Conway's Game of Life rules in Unity. 

Features include:

-Generation limiter 

-Alive cell population and current generation display

-Over 100 CGoL patterns you can select from.

Additionally, the game features a special "death" zone rule that appears when randomizing the grid, where cells that don't have at least 6 neighbors will perish. See if you can find it!


- Space to pause/start (or the last button from the left in the top right corner);

- R to randomize the grid (or the second button from the left in the top right corner);

Additional controls/explanations:

- Volume slider in the main menu settings;

- Go back to the main menu using the first button from the left in the top right corner.

- Click to place an alive cell at the mouse position;

- Zoom in/out with a mouse/touchscreen;

- Move the generation slider to let the game run for a set number of generations;

- Select a pattern from the bottom right using the dropdown box and have some fun with it!

At this point you might be wondering about the name choice. Well, you can keep on wondering, because there is absolutely 0 reason for choosing it. It just fits in with the cool image.

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