A short & straightforward 2D Fighting Game with Inventory, Crafting and AI/NPC mechanics, as well as a cool little Easter Egg (or maybe 2..?).

Game Controls:

LMB/Left Mouse Button - Fast Attack

RMB/Right Mouse Button - Heavy Attack

I - Inventory

ESC - Pause Menu

E - Interact with NPCs

Inventory Controls:

RMB (While hovering over an item) - Open item action menu

LMB (While item action menu is open) - Perform action

Crafting Recipes (items must be put in their respective order, if you accidentally misclicked, input 1-2 more items and the game will return all your items):

  • Stick + Stone + Stone = Stone Sword
  • Stick + Copper + Copper = Copper Sword
  • Copper * 5 = Squire Armor
  • Stick + Iron + Iron = Iron Sword
  • Iron * 5 = Baron Armor
  • Stick + Gold + Gold = Gold Sword
  • Gold * 5 = King Armor


- Use your healing items

- Craft better equipment

- Don't spawn too many enemies (stay in 1 area and fight the ones that are already spawned)

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